Ekigombe Experiences

The Virungas

“The first cut is the deepest” If am to reverse Cat Stevens metaphorically, my love for these ranges will last a lifetime. My first mountain hike was here a couple of years ago delineating the sentiment, and to date I seldomly head there. If am to reference Primary school social studies, the ranges span that tooth shaped region on Uganda’s map that boarders Rwanda and Congo, in the southwestern corridor.

The name Virunga is from the Rufumbira/Kinyarwanda word “ibirunga” which means volcanoes. There are about eight major volcanoes in this range. It is part of the richly endowed great Albertine rift, which forms the western branch of the East African rift valley. Am glad to have visited most of the amazing features along this branch, including lake Albert, the Rwenzori mountains, Lake Edward, among others.

Am going to share my encounters with three of the ranges that is Mount Muhabura, Mount Sabinyo and Mount Gahinga